



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2022; 2: (2) ; 47-52 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmba.20220029.

Researchonthe Influence of Cause-related Marketing on Customer Participation and Purchase Intention

作者: 杨奎 *, 依应香

云南工商学院经济与管理学院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 杨奎,单位:云南工商学院经济与管理学院 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2022-08-30 总浏览量: 1372



关键词: 善因营销;顾客参与;购买意愿


As a new strategic marketing mode, "cause-related marketing" effectively integrates the social responsibility and business performance of enterprises, and promotes the development of enterprises and social progress. However, Chinese enterprises often fail to achieve the expected results by adopting this strategy. This paper selects four cause-related marketing factors as independent variables: enterprise credibility, the matching degree between enterprises and public welfare matters, donation methods and public welfare publicity. Using SPSS software to analyze, it is found that enterprise cause-related marketing has a significant positive impact on customer participation and purchase intention, enterprise credibility, the matching degree between enterprises and public welfare matters, donation methods and public welfare publicity have a significant positive impact on customer participation intention, and customer participation intention has a significant positive impact on customer purchase intention, so as to make suggestions for enterprise managers to formulate cause-related marketing and help enterprises better implement cause-related marketing.

Key words: Cause-related Marketing; Customer Participation; Purchase Intention

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杨奎, 依应香, 企业善因营销对顾客参与意愿和购买意愿的影响研究[J]. 现代工商管理, 2022; 2: (2) : 47-52.