



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2023; 3: (1) ; 21-27 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmba.20230006.

Analysis of the spatial effects of China's provincial population aging and digital economy on high-quality economic development

作者: 胡乐婵 *

北方民族大学数学与信息科学学院 宁夏银川

*通讯作者: 胡乐婵,单位:北方民族大学数学与信息科学学院 宁夏银川;

发布时间: 2023-11-30 总浏览量: 778


目的 考察人口老龄化、数字经济对经济高质量发展的影响效应,为我国积极应对人口老龄化问题,推动数字经济和经济高质量发展提供一定的参考价值。方法 基于2004-2021年中国30个省市的面板数据,采用熵权法分别测算经济高质量发展和数字经济发展水平评价指标体系的结果,运用双向固定空间杜宾模型探讨我国人口老龄化、数字经济对经济高质量发展的影响效应。结论 人口老龄化对经济高质量发展产生负向影响,数字经济对经济高质量发展产生正向影响。

关键词: 人口老龄化;经济高质量发展;数字经济;空间杜宾模型


Objective Examining the impact of population aging and digital economy on high-quality economic development, provides certain reference value for China to actively respond to the problem of population aging and promote the digital economy and high-quality economic development. Method Based on the panel data of 30 provinces and cities in China from 2004 to 2021, the entropy weight method was used to measure the results of the evaluation index system of high-quality economic development and digital economy development level, and the two-way fixed space dubin model was used to explore the impact of China's aging population and digital economy on high-quality economic development.
Conclusion   Population aging has a negative impact on high-quality economic development, and the digital economy has a positive impact on high-quality economic development.

Key words: Population aging; High-quality economic development; Digital economy; Space dubin model

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