



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2023; 3: (1) ; 13-16 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmba.20230004.

Impact and application of innovation and entrepreneurship in business administration

作者: 王甜 *

洛阳科技职业学院 河南洛阳

*通讯作者: 王甜,单位:洛阳科技职业学院 河南洛阳;

发布时间: 2023-11-02 总浏览量: 899



关键词: 创新;创业;工商管理


Innovation and entrepreneurship are important concepts in the field of business administration. With the intensification of market competition, enterprises need to constantly innovate and entrepreneurship in order to adapt to the changes in the market and meet the needs of consumers. Innovation refers to the improvement or creation of an enterprise or an individual based on the original foundation, so as to obtain new value or competitive advantage. In business administration, innovation can be manifested in many aspects such as products, services, management models, marketing strategies and so on. For example, some enterprises improve their productivity and quality by introducing new technologies or production methods, so as to gain more market share and profits. Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, refers to the creation of a new enterprise or the launching of a new business in order to realize business value. Entrepreneurship requires a wide range of skills such as innovation, market insight, leadership, and execution. In business administration, entrepreneurship can promote economic development and personal growth, as well as help enterprises realize transformation and upgrading and sustainable development. In conclusion, innovation and entrepreneurship are important applications in business management. Through innovation and entrepreneurship, enterprises can continue to expand the market, improve competitiveness, and realize business value and social value.

Key words: Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Business Administration

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