关键词: 金融减贫效率;全要素生产力;区域差异;Malmqusit指数
The efficiency of financial poverty reduction has a measure of the effect of targeted poverty alleviation. Based on the Data of Financial Indicators from 2016 to 2020, by using DEA-Malmquist exponential model, through total factor productivity analysis, the Change of financial poverty reduction efficiency and regional differences in 26 Provinces of China are studied. The results show that: (1) the financial total factor productivity needs to be improved in China, the condition is a stable financial environment. (2) The regional financial poverty reduction effect shows a spatial unbalanced distribution, with the highest efficiency value in the west, followed by the East and the lowest in the middle. Accordingly, the government should develop high-quality inclusive finance and encourage industrial poverty alleviation to improve the efficiency of financial poverty reduction.
Key words: Financial poverty reduction efficiency; Total factor productivity; Regional differences; DEA-Malmqusit Index
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