Open Access Article
Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2024; 4: (2) ; 6-10 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmba.20240010.
Research on the construction of intelligent platform for steel enterprises based on FineBl
刘嘉欣 *,
辽宁科技大学 辽宁鞍山
刘嘉欣,单位:辽宁科技大学 辽宁鞍山;
发布时间: 2024-12-15 总浏览量: 77
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随着信息技术的飞速发展,钢铁企业面临着数字化转型的迫切需求。本文提出了一种基于 FineBl 的钢企数智化平台构建方案,旨在通过整合先进的信息技术与钢铁企业的生产运营流程,实现企业的智能化升级。该平台采用云计算、大数据、人工智能等技术,构建了一个集生产管理、质量控制、设备维护、能源管理于一体的综合系统。通过实际案例分析,验证了该平台在提高生产效率、降低成本、提升产品质量等方面的有效性,为钢铁企业的数智化转型提供了实践参考。
关键词: 钢企数智化;FineBl;云计算;大数据;人工智能;生产管理;质量控制;设备维护;能源管理
Research on the construction of intelligent platform for steel enterprises based on FineBl Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, iron and steel enterprises are facing the urgent need of digital transformation. This paper puts forward a construction scheme of intelligent platform for steel enterprises based on FineBl, aiming at realizing intelligent upgrading of enterprises by integrating advanced information technology with production and operation processes of steel enterprises. The platform adopts cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to build an integrated system integrating production management, quality control, equipment maintenance and energy management. The effectiveness of the platform in improving production efficiency, reducing costs and improving product quality is verified through the analysis of actual cases, which provides practical reference for the digital intelligent transformation of iron and steel enterprises.
Key words: Intelligent number of steel enterprises; FineBl; Cloud computing; Big data; Artificial intelligence; Production management; Quality control; Equipment maintenance; energy management
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