



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2022; 2: (1) ; 5-7 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmba.20220002.

Problems and promotion strategies of financial performance evaluation of Internet enterprises

作者: 侯佳敏 *

江苏师范大学 江苏徐州

*通讯作者: 侯佳敏,单位:江苏师范大学 江苏徐州;

发布时间: 2022-05-23 总浏览量: 815



关键词: 互联网企业;财务绩效;指标体系;功效系数法


In recent years, China's Internet industry has experienced unprecedented explosive growth, and the financial performance of Internet enterprises has also attracted extensive attention of the public. Evaluating the financial performance of Internet enterprises can not only find problems, but also solve or prevent problems in the process of combining with financial management, It can serve as a warning and feedback to the development of financial management. Taking the development status of Internet enterprises as the research starting point, this paper summarizes the methods and indicators of enterprise financial performance, puts forward the problems existing in the application of financial performance evaluation in Internet enterprises, and puts forward practical improvement strategies on this basis.

Key words: Internet enterprise; Financial performance; Index system; Efficacy coefficient method

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